Uncovering the hidden stories of Rome and the Vatican, one tale at a time.
Blog with handy tips about Rome and the Vatican
Ancient Rome was originally build on this seven hills, named:
1. Aventine hill - 2. Caelian hill - 3. Capitoline hill - 4. Esquiline hill - 5. Palatine hill - 6. Quirinal hill - 7. Viminal hill.
According the legend the founding of Rome was in the year 750 BC and started on the Palatine hill with the twin brothers Romulus and Remus. The twin brothers split up and decided to each start their own city. Romulus on the Palatine hill and Remus on the Aventine hill. Remus was also buried on the Aventine hill after his brother killed him. Romulus expanded the city which started from the Palatine hill and called it Rome so that is where the name come from. In Italian it's Roma.
Fun fact.. Did you ever turn the word "Roma" around? ROMA = AMOR
The keyhole found in the door of the Knights of Malta that gives an special view to the Saint Peter's dome of the Vatican. It used to be off the beaten track but we don't think it is anymore because the waiting line (especially during high season) can be asking quite a bit of patience. Still we think it is well word seeing it. We do suggest to be either early morning, lunch hour or late afternoon. Show on google maps
You can visit the Orange garden all year around and has an amazing viewing point from where you can see an big part of the city. Many weddings choose to take pictures there. The best time to visit is in April when the orange trees are in full blossom it's an amazing strong lovely smell.
The church Santa Sabina all' Aventino is an basilica on the Aventine hill dating back from 5th century. The basilica is built in the shape of a typical Roman basilica which are all inspired from the first basilica of Maxentius on the Roman forum. An basilica has a classic rectangular shape and three naves. Especially important here are the doors which have been made out of wood and date back to the 6th century. It is said that the door has the oldest depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
We do offer walking tours which included all of the above and more, scroll down find the tour "secret tour, Rome" and make your booking today.
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with Gelato tasting.
Starting times:
10:00 or 10:30 - 15:00 or 17:30
Starting times:
10:30 - 15:30 - 17:30
Starting time:
18:00 - 6 PM
Yes, It will be also inside the Colosseum
Starting times:
different time slots
Including skip the line ticket.
Starting times:
different time slots.
Yes, It will be also inside the Pantheon
Starting time:
17:00 - 5PM
Including entry ticket Pantheon.
Starting times:
10:30 or 11:00 16:00 or 17:00
Yes, It will be also inside the Colosseum
Starting times:
different time slots
Starting times:
10:30 - 15:30 - 17:30
Yes, It will be also inside the Pantheon
Starting time:
17:00 - 5PM
Starting time:
18:00 - 6 PM
with Gelato tasting.
Starting times:
10:00 or 10:30 - 15:00 or 17:30
Including skip the line ticket.
Starting times:
different time slots.
Including entry ticket Pantheon.
Starting times:
10:30 or 11:00 16:00 or 17:00